Ambulatory/Outpatient Updates - Collateral Visits

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  • Ambulatory/Outpatient Updates - Collateral Visits
"Collateral visits" are visits with a person other than the patient (e.g., parent, partner, caregiver, provider, multidisciplinary team) regarding the health care of the patient. The appointment is scheduled to the patient but attended by the collateral person, and the encounter is on the patient’s health record. 

As of October 15, 2024, there will be updated design, build, and workflow for collateral visits in ambulatory/outpatient settings. These changes include:
  • The ability to schedule the appointment with the patient:
    • Default to be hidden from the patient, as they do not need to attend the appointment 
    • Collateral-specific Visit Types
    • Built-in prompts to indicate who the collateral person is to attend the appointment 
    • Registration bypass, as the patient is not presenting thus registration can be bypassed
  • A new encounter type of “Collateral” to complete documentation, including:
    • Specific tools for documenting a collateral visit
    • A unique note type of collateral to differentiate documentation from non-collateral visits 
  • New columns for the Department Appointment Report (DAR) and Multi-Provider Schedule (MPS), to assist with indicating collateral visits and persons 
If your department requires use of the Collateral Visit workflow, you must request Collateral Visit Types to achieve this workflow, by submitting a ticket. Collateral Visit Types available to request are Provider to Provider (intended to be used when scheduling two Connect Care providers; if only one provider is a Connect Care provider, use another subsequent Collateral Visit Types), CollateralCollateral – GroupCollateral – Community, Collateral – Home, and Collateral – Telephone.

For screenshots and more information, see the guide:

H&P Lookback Setting and Prep for Procedure Updates

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  • Linked H&P Interval Setting and Prep for Procedure Updates
As of October 10, 2024:
  • The History and Physical (H&P) Interval ("Link other H&P" in Admission Navigator) setting has been updated to look for appropriate admitting H&P notes (i.e., existing H&P, or a Consult Note or other summative document that can be used as an H&P) up to 1 year in the past, as H&P notes are good for up to 1 year. Previously, the lookback time was set to 90 days.

  • An “Op Note” section has been added to the Prep for Procedure navigator, allowing prescribers to create Op Notes for ambulatory operative procedures (click on the camera icon below for a screenshot). Previously, ambulatory operative procedures could only be documented as Progress Notes.
    • Note: Op Notes are automatically sent to Netcare once signed.

Dragon Medical One Upgrade

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  • Dragon Medical One Upgrade
As of October 7, 2024Connect Care's in-system dictation solution, Dragon Medical One (DMO), will be upgraded to a new version. This upgrade will primarily change the look and feel of the DragonBar. The application will also remember where a user last left the DragonBar on the screen, and will reappear in the same place at the next login. All other functionality will be the same.

Auto-expiry of Additional In Basket Message Types

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  • Auto-expiry of Additional In Basket Message Types
Clinical information systems have increased the volumes of messages prescribers and other users need to manage. AHS is committed to reducing clutter and increasing In Basket message relevance. Accordingly, the "Taming In Basket" project was launched to identify In Basket messages that can be safely auto-expired, to reduce the volume of existing messages and to empower users to use In Basket efficiently. Approvals have been obtained for the first batch of In Basket messages to be set to auto-expire.

As of October 3, 2024, the following In Basket message types will be set to auto-expire after 90 days:
  • Appointment Notification 
  • Case Message 
  • Covered Work 
  • Media Manager 
  • OOC Notification
  • BestPractice 
  • Addendum Notification
  • Rx Response
  • Pt Admitted/Discharged
  • Canceled Orders
Please note that this change will be effective moving forward only. Messages older than 90 days that currently exist in users’ In Baskets will not be affected. Messages older than 90 days will be removed from users’ In Baskets in January 2025 (further communication will be shared at that time). Also note that the above message types are in addition to the message types that are already set up to auto-expire. Currently, Timeout Msg expire in 3 days; Inpatient Notifications, Results Notifications, and ED Notifications in 30 days; and MyChart Notifications in 60 days.
  • Tip: With the recent Fall Upgrade, users are now able to opt in/out from many more message types. In In Basket, click on "Preferences", then "Message Settings", and then select or deselect the message types you want or no longer want to receive.

COVID-19 and Connect Care - Hospital Vaccinations Order Set Updated

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  • COVID-19 and Connect Care - Hospital Vaccinations Order Set Updated
Changing COVID-19 vaccine ordering tools in Connect Care, paired with a constant imperative to immunize, improves our ability to offer vaccination to patients seen for other reasons.

The Connect Care COVID-19 vaccine order sets have been updated to reflect changes in availability of vaccine type. Eligibility guidance is available through embedded links.

Enhanced Discharge as Deceased Navigator

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  • Discharge as Deceased Navigator Enhancements
A unique patient navigation workflow is needed when a patient dies in a healthcare facility, including when they are declared dead on arrival at the facility. This "patient movement" is a form of discharge, with death bringing the associated healthcare encounter to an end. The workflow is supported with a navigator.

As of October 1, 2024
, there are significant enhancements to the "Discharge as Deceased" navigator within the "Discharge" activity available to patient charts opened to an inpatient encounter.

The prescriber navigator has been simplified and provided with brief instructions highlighting tasks for prescribers. Data entry is streamlined, making it easer to complete organ and tissue donation criteria checks. A standardized pronouncement of death note (charting requirement) is generated with a single click. And there is easier access to discharge summary templates that meet provincial documentation requirements.

The deceased navigator update matches recent enhancements to admission and discharge navigators.

Inpatient Order Set Updates - Swallow Screen and Bronchiolitis

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  • Inpatient Order Set Updates - Swallow Screen and Bronchiolitis
Two new/updated order sets are available for prescribers:
  • Stroke Order Set - Nursing Swallow Screen - In the "Diet and Nutrition" section of stroke order sets (Acute Ischemic Stroke [Thrombolysis and EVT] Adult - click on first camera icon below for screenshot; Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage Adult - click on second camera icon), prescribers can easily order a swallow screen to be completed by nursing, to ensure any swallowing difficulties are identified prior to any oral intake.
  • Bronchiolitis Deterioration and Heated Humidified Highflow Nasal Cannula Pediatrics - This order set has been developed to support the additional guidance for heated humidified high flow nasal cannula (HHHFNC) in bronchiolitis that has been added to the Bronchiolitis, Infant – Emergency & Inpatient Clinical Knowledge Topic. The Bronchiolitis ED/UCC Pediatric and the Bronchiolitis Admission and Maintenance Pediatric have also been updated. 

Optimization Training - Classes in October

The CMIO Training team offers Optimization classes (previously called Thrive classes), where Connect Care prescribers can learn how to take full advantage of the features of the clinical information system, to help maximize their productivity and spend more time with patients. Classes are 60 minutes in length each and focus on completing common workflows more efficiently.

Below are the Optimization classes scheduled for October 2024. 

  • Notes and Documentation SmartTools
    • October 2, 12:00–13:00 
    • October 9, 12:00–13:00
  • Orders Optimization
    • October 9, 10:00–11:00
    • October 28, 13:00–14:00
  • In Basket Management
    • October 8, 13:00–14:00
    • October 9, 11:30–12:30
    • October 15, 09:00–10:00
    • October 15, 12:30–13:30
    • October 17, 12:00–13:00
    • October 24, 08:30–09:30
    • October 29, 15:00–16:00
  • Anesthesia (These classes do not have to be done in chronological order, and each covers different topics)
    • Anesthesia 1 - Intraprocedural Workflows
      • October 3, 16:00–17:00
    • Anesthesia 2 - Working with Anesthesia Records
      • October 14, 19:00–20:00
    • Anesthesia 3 - Personalizing Macros
      • October 29, 19:00–20:00
    • Anesthesia 4 - Haiku Personalization 
      • October 4, 16:00–17:00
      • October 11, 17:00–18:00
      • October 16, 17:00–18:00
      • October 24, 17:00–18:00

Prescribers can register for these Optimization classes at the below link. Classes will be added regularly, so please continue to check back. Spots are limited to ensure trainers can address individual questions. Please ensure that you review your confirmation email from "Bookings CMIO Thrive" for the class link, and requirements for the session.

New Outpatient/Ambulatory Interventional Radiology Panel

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  • New Ambulatory Interventional Radiology Panel
A new ambulatory interventional radiology panel called "Outpatient Interventional Radiology Panel" is available for outpatient/ambulatory prescribers to request a radiology procedure for body fluid withdrawal and lab testing. This panel allows the ordering prescriber to indicate to the radiologist which fluid tests are required, plus provides the requisition for the patient to have corresponding blood tests drawn at the outpatient lab. The in-procedure tests are visible to the radiologist and technician as signed and held orders. The panel includes:
  • Radiology procedure order - Radiology procedure goes to the Radiant workqueue at the location stated in the order.
  • Labs ordered on the body fluid - Orders to be released by radiology staff, then collection documented and sent to lab.
  • Blood tests for the patient to have collected on the day of procedure at a lab collection site - Paper requisition will print for blood tests ordered.
This panel will appear in search when synonyms such as thoracentesis, paracentesis, and US guided thoracentesis are used.

Chart Review Notes - New "Prescriber Only" Filter

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  • Chart Review Notes - New "Prescriber Only" Filter
As of September 24, 2024, a new filter is available in the "Notes" tab of the "Chart Review" activity to allow end users to filter to “Prescriber Only” notes, making review easier and quicker. 

This filter will include notes written by the following author types:
  • Clinical Assistant, Physician Assistant
  • Dentist
  • Indigenous Healthcare Provider
  • Medical Student
  • Midwife, Midwifery Student
  • Nurse Practitioner, Graduate Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Practitioner Student
  • Optometrist
  • Pharmacist, Pharmacist Student
  • Physician
  • Podiatric Physician
  • Resident

SnapShot Report Modifications

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  • SnapShot Report Modifications
As of September 24, 2024, a couple of changes have been made to the SnapShot report (found in the "Chart Review" activity), namely adding recent events to the display, and replacing the "My Last Note" with the "Patient’s Last Relevant Note from My Specialty". 
  • Recent Events:
    • Gives clinicians a better view of relevant information by showing a vertical timeline view of the patient's recent encounters. For example, they can see if the patient was recently in the ED, visited a specialist, or had other interactions with their care team. From Recent Events, clinicians can:
      • View who the visit was with and the primary diagnosis or other relevant reason for visit.
      • Open an encounter summary.
      • Jump to the Encounters tab of Chart Review to do a more thorough review the patient's recent encounters.
    • If the patient hasn't seen the clinician before (or hasn't seen the clinician recently), Recent Events will show recent events in the clinician's specialty or all recent events up to a maximum of 4 in the last 3 years.
    • Note: The header for the Recent Events content depends on the user and the specialty of the logged in department; click on the camera icon below to see possible examples.
  • Patient’s Last Relevant Note from My Specialty:
    • Will show the last Progress Note from the specialty of the logged in department. 
    • "My Last Note" will still be accessible via the “Last Progress Note” report available in the "Schedule" activity for ambulatory departments.

Glucose Management Tool Improvements

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  • Glucose Management Tool Improvements
As of September 16, 2024, a new “Glucometer Overview” column is available to add to inpatient Patient Lists, to facilitate review of glucometer point of care testing (POCT) results directly from the Patient List.

This update makes it easier to identify patients who need diabetes medication review and titration, with colour-coded visual cues and logbook formatting of last/current day POCT glucose results as well as last HbA1C. Double-clicking on the column displays the patient’s Glucose Management Report without exiting out of the Patient List. The report will also be updated to have the logbook formatting.

The Glucometer Overview column has to be manually added to a prescriber’s Patient List; see the tip sheet for details. 

New CMIO Operational Training Sessions - General Personalization

Starting in October, the CMIO will provide General Personalization sessions for prescribers who have completed their Basic training and End User Proficiency Assessment (EUPA) in previous launches but did not complete a Personalization session or are interested in a Personalization refresher. This general session would most benefit prescribers from Inpatient, Ambulatory, and Surgery specialties; it is not geared towards Anesthesia or Radiology prescribers. 

The session will be 2 hours in length, and will help you to be more efficient and organized in the clinical information system (CIS) where appearance, menus, lists, orders, and text automations can be personalized. Covered topics will include personalizing workspace and wrenches, patient lists, orders, SmartPhrases, and In Basket.

Below are the General Personalization sessions scheduled for October 2024:

  • October 8, 08:00–10:00
  • October 24, 13:00–15:00

To see all dates and to register for a session, visit Bookings - CMIO Operational Training and select “General Personalization“.

Heparin Infusion Order Panel Improvements

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  • Heparin Infusion Order Panel Enhancements
Protocolled orders can help clinicians manage uncommon health problems when, for example, the most relevant orders are supported with digests of evidence-informed guidance. The use of intravenous heparin infusions is associated with unique risks. As of September 19, 2024, three associated Order Panels are enhanced; infusions for:
  • Cardiology indications
  • Venous thromboembolism (VTE) indications
  • Stroke indications
Prescribers can find the order panels when searching for orders with "heparin" as a keyword.

Admission and Discharge Notification Updates

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  • Admission and Discharge Notification Updates
As of September 18, 2024, an update will allow prescribers to choose whether or not they want to receive In Basket notifications for the following patient movement events: Inpatient (IP) Discharge, Emergency Department (ED)/Observation Bed (Obs) Arrival, and ED/Obs Discharge.
  • If a prescriber already has notifications turned on for IP Admission or External Outpatient Visit (i.e., has "Yes" selected under "Receive Message Notifications by Default"; click the camera icon below to see the screenshot), notifications for these additional patient movement events will be turned on by default.
  • If a prescriber does not already have notifications turned on for IP Admission or External Outpatient Visit (i.e., has "No" selected under "Receive Message Notifications by Default"), notifications for these additional patient movement events will not be turned on by default.

To update your In Basket notifications to opt in or out of these new notifications, see the tip sheet.

Clinical Terminology Update - ICD-10 Codes Column [DATE UPDATED]

Enhancement updates provide short alerts to new, fixed or improved Connect Care functions...
  • Removal of ICD-10 Codes Column in Search
As of September 12, 2024, the "ICD-10 Codes" data field will no longer be visible in the search results of any clinical terminology enabled field (note: change was originally scheduled for September 9). The most common points of use are the Problem List and Visit Diagnosis (click on the camera icon below to see screenshot). 

The goal of this change is to clarify any misunderstandings that resulted from this field being displayed. Terms should be selected based on the meaning of the text description and clinical accuracy; each term is enabled with computer readable data, in the background, to ensure accurate data capture and advanced system functionality. The ICD-10 codes that previously appeared at this level were not meant to be the determining factor in selecting the appropriate term, and were not meant to be considered as validated or equivalent to DAD, NACRS, "coded data", administrative data, or abstracted data. 

This change is made in alignment with the use and purpose of the terminology content and endorsed by HIM Data Collection, the subject matter experts for ICD coding. The ICD coding information has not been removed from the system and is still accessible as an administrative tool. 
Questions and further information can be obtained by reaching out to Clinical Terminologies at

Order for Pathologist Consult

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  • Order for Pathologist Consult
As of August 12, 2024, prescribers will be able to order a Pathology Consult using the “Request for Additional Testing Pathology [LAB1126a]" order.

In the order composer, in the "Requested tests" field, click on the search icon and select “Pathologist Consult” (click on the below camera icons to see screenshots). Once the order is entered, a task goes to a pathologist to review the requested pathology case. The pathologist then may add a new consult number or amend the current pathology report. This test will be resulted with the approval or denial of the pathologist consult.


Optimization Training - Classes in September

The CMIO Training team offers Optimization classes (previously called Thrive classes), where Connect Care prescribers can learn how to take full advantage of the features of the clinical information system, to help maximize their productivity and spend more time with patients. Classes are 60 minutes in length each and focus on completing common workflows more efficiently.

Below are the Optimization classes scheduled for September 2024. 

  • Notes and Documentation SmartTools
    • September 4, 12:00–13:00 
    • September 11, 12:00–13:00
    • September 17, 12:00–13:00
    • September 25, 12:00–13:00
  • Orders Optimization
    • September 10, 09:00–10:00
    • September 12, 12:00–13:00
    • September 16, 08:00–09:00
    • September 17, 12:00–13:00
    • September 23, 15:00–16:00
    • September 26, 15:00–16:00
  • In Basket Management
    • September 10, 12:00–13:00
    • September 11, 15:00–16:00
    • September 17, 11:30–12:30
    • September 18, 09:00–10:00
    • September 25, 09:00–10:00
    • September 26, 12:00–13:00
  • *NEW* Anesthesia 4 - Haiku Optimization
    • September 24, 12:00–13:00

  • Anesthesia Fall Upgrade Preview
    • September 3, 16:30–17:30
    • September 9, 12:00–13:00

Prescribers can register for these Optimization classes at the below link. Classes will be added regularly, so please continue to check back. Spots are limited to ensure trainers can address individual questions. Please ensure that you review your confirmation email from "Bookings CMIO Thrive" for the class link, and requirements for the session.

Patient Lists Sortable by Location, Room, Bed

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  • Enhanced Patient Location Columns in Inpatient Lists
Patient Lists may be considered the gateway to inpatient care. Clinicians use them to gather and group the patients that they are responsible for, then find patients within one or more facilities. Patient location columns expose information and sorting by location.

Location-type columns typically support sorting by room and bed. The naming convention for a room usually makes the associated unit obvious. However, some facility naming conventions have not embedded facility or unit acronyms and so users have requested enhancements to better sort lists by facility and unit.

Enhanced patient location columns now combine facility, unit, room and bed information in a way that works for all Connect Care facilities. In addition, users can sort lists at all three levels (e.g., facility/unit >> room >> bed).

For more information about patient lists and AHS-approved list columns, see: 

Duplicate Insulin Orders - New BPA

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  • Duplicate Insulin Orders - Warnings Removed, New BPA
As of July 30, 2024, the previous duplicate medication warnings that appeared when modifying or placing new/additional insulin orders will no longer be displayed. These duplicate medication warnings do not align with safe practice, and often fire when placing orders that are appropriate. A new Best Practice Advisory (BPA) will instead fire when placing new/additional insulin orders that are a true duplicate of an order already on the patient’s file (click on below camera icon to see screenshot).
  • The BPA is configured to use the type of insulin, type of order (i.e., bolus vs. correction) and frequency to meet the criteria to fire.
  • The prescriber can choose to "Keep" or "Remove" the new order, and "Discontinue" or "Keep" the active order currently on file.
  • The BPA cannot be suppressed, and will fire again if placing another true duplicate order.

New SmartLinks Available for Scores and Results

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  • New SmartLinks Available
"SmartLinks" are a text-automation tool available in Connect Care. When a SmartLink "token" is inserted into documentation (notes or templates), it pulls health information (e.g., problem lists, medication lists, vitals) from the health record, replacing the token with the desired information. 

Built on request of a Connect Care prescriber, other prescribers may find the below new SmartLinks useful to save as a personalization. To use in a note, ensure you type a dot followed by the token, as shown below; to use in a SmartPhrase, type an "@" before and after the token (no dot).
    • SmartLink: .GIMCIWA72HRX5
    • Description: Pulls in the patient's total score of the last 5 readings entered within the last 72 hours for the 10-item CIWA alcohol withdrawal assessment. 
    • SmartLink: .GIMCOWS72HRX5
    • Description: Pulls in the patient's total score of the last 5 readings entered within the last 72 hours for the Clinical Opioid Withdrawal assessment.
    • SmartLink: .RESIDUALURINEX5
    • Description: Pulls in the patient's last 5 readings entered within the last 72 hours for bladder scans/post-void residuals.
    • SmartLink: .LABRESULTS7D
    • Description: Can be used to construct SmartPhrases to bring in specific last results from the last 7 days (e.g., a SmartPhrase to bring in Hepatic Panel Results from the last 7 days). Requires specifying the appropriate name of the lab wanted.
    • SmartLink: .LABRESULTS3D 
    • Description: Can be used to construct SmartPhrases to bring in specific last results from the last 3 days (e.g., a SmartPhrase to bring in Renal Results from the last 3 days). Requires specifying the appropriate name of the lab wanted.
For more information on other approved SmartLinks in Connect Care, see: 

Referral Order Changes

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  • Significant Improvements to Referrals
The Connect Care Referrals Taskforce has been working over the last several months to make improvements to referrals for both senders and receivers. In 2023, over 1.12 million referrals were ordered and transcribed into Connect Care; higher than expected rates of decline and missing information in the referrals resulted in delayed access to specialty care. Several items have been identified as contributing to poor quality referrals, and therefore, as of July 23, 2024 (between 12:00 and 13:00), a number of changes will be seen in referral orders, including the following.
  • The Reference Links section has been organized to ensure only applicable links to referral criteria are listed.
  • When a Resident is ordering a referral, they will see a new hard stop question that will require them to indicate who the referring provider is (click on camera icon to see screenshot). The answer will then auto-populate the "Referral - By Provider" field upon signing, if it had not already been filled out.
  • A "Scheduling Instructions" section has been made visible and should be used by prescribers to communicate to clerical staff where they would like an outgoing referral sent. Staff processing referrals will be able to find these scheduling instructions in a new column in the Referral Workqueues and in the Workqueue summary report.

  • Ambulatory referral orders for Neurology, Gastroenterology, and Colon Cancer Screening will be updated with various changes including custom specialty reference links, optimized speed buttons, and cascading questions specific to specialty criteria, to ensure the referral orders include required information for effective and efficient triaging. Users may be required to re-personalize preference lists and order/Smart sets containing previous versions of the ambulatory referral orders, to ensure the updated version is used.

Optimization Training - Classes in August

We previously posted that the CMIO Training team is now offering Optimization classes (previously called Thrive classes), where Connect Care prescribers can learn how to take full advantage of the features of the clinical information system, to help maximize their productivity and spend more time with patients. Classes are 60 minutes in length each and focus on completing common workflows more efficiently.

Below are the Optimization classes scheduled for August 2024. 

  • Notes and Documentation SmartTools
    • August 8, 12:00–13:00 
    • August 13, 12:00–13:00
    • August 20, 12:00–13:00
    • August 28, 12:00–13:00
  • Orders Optimization
    • August 7, 12:00–13:00
    • August 13, 12:00–13:00
    • August 15, 08:00–09:00
    • August 19, 09:00–10:00
    • August 22, 09:00–10:00
  • In Basket Management
    • August 8, 12:00–13:00
    • August 13, 09:00–10:00
    • August 13, 11:30–12:30
    • August 14, 10:00–11:00
    • August 19, 11:00–12:00
    • August 20, 11:30–12:30
    • August 27, 08:30–09:30
    • August 29, 16:00–17:00
  • Anesthesia 3 - Macro Optimization
    • August 1, 16:00–17:00
    • August 13, 16:00–17:00
    • August 20, 16:00–17:00

  • Anesthesia Fall Upgrade Review
    • August 27, 16:30–17:30
    • September 3, 16:30–17:30
    • September 9, 12:00–13:00

Prescribers can register for these Optimization classes at the below link. Classes will be added regularly, so please continue to check back. Spots are limited to ensure trainers can address individual questions. Please ensure that you review your confirmation email from "Bookings CMIO Thrive" for the class link, and requirements for the session.

In Basket Update - Inpatient Cosign Notes Folder

Enhancement updates provide short alerts to new, fixed or improved Connect Care functions...
  • Removal of Defer Button from Cosign Notes Folder
As of July 12, 2024, in In Basket, the "Defer" button that appears when within the inpatient "Cosign Notes" folder will be removed (click on the camera icon to see a screenshot). Previously, clicking on this button to indicate that the provider was not the appropriate cosigner would cause an error.

If you receive a request for cosign in error, either reply to the sender to indicate you are not the appropriate cosigner, or forward to the appropriate provider (if known).

Medication Ordering Update - "In Dialysis" Frequencies

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  • Changes to "In Dialysis" Frequencies
Historically, the “in dialysis” frequencies for ordering medications were only intended for outpatient use within the dialysis Therapy Plan. When “in dialysis” frequencies were used to order medications for admitted patients, the orders were cancelled after a single use. To streamline medication ordering workflows (especially for antibiotics), as of July 2, 2024, all existing “in dialysis” frequencies used for medication ordering have been updated for Therapy Plan use ONLY and the following five new “in dialysis" frequencies were created for inpatient use ONLY: 
  • 3 times per week, in dialysis (for Inpatient Use ONLY)
  • 2 times per week, in dialysis (for Inpatient Use ONLY)
  • Weekly, in dialysis (for Inpatient Use ONLY)
  • Every 24 hours, on unit or in dialysis on HD days (for Inpatient Use ONLY)  
  • Once, in dialysis (for Inpatient Use ONLY)
When patients on hemodialysis are admitted to the hospital, medications should be ordered in the following areas in Connect Care:
  • Inpatient Orders:
    • Supportive Medications (e.g., dimenhydrinate, diphenhydramine)
    • Chronic medications scheduled in dialysis except anemia management medications (e.g., IV calcitriol or IV levocarnitine)
    • Parenteral antibiotics
  • Hemodialysis Therapy Plan:
    • Anemia management medications (parenteral iron, epoetin and darbepoetin)
    • Intradialytic anticoagulation (e.g., tinzaparin and heparin)
For further details, see:

Ambulatory HOD Progress Note - Update to Display Time

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  • Ambulatory HOD Progress Note Display Time 
As of July 9, 2024, progress notes created in ambulatory Hospital Outpatient Department (HOD) encounters will display the note creation time instead of the appointment time (click the camera icon below to see a screenshot). This matches the time displayed in non-HOD encounter progress notes. 

Removal of Department Login Restriction

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  • Removal of Provider Department Login Restriction 
When logging in to Connect Care, one must select a "department" (not the same as a clinical department), which affects how the system looks and behaves. Because prescribers often work in many places, zonal "virtual departments" were created to simplify logons to settings sharing a common specialty. 

Some workflows, such as prescriber specimen collections, must be anchored to a physical location (department) in order for requisitions, label printing and other functions to work properly. Accordingly, as of July 3, 2024, prescribers have the option of logging on to either physical or virtual departments.

Potential impact of this change include:
  • Inpatient and most outpatient prescribers should log on as usual, typically to a virtual department.
  • Outpatient prescribers involved in department-dependent workflows (e.g., in-clinic biopsies) should confirm their local department name and log on to that context.
  • All prescribers will encounter longer lists at logon... still searchable with completion matching.
  • The most recently used department names will appear at the top of the search list, making it easier to quickly select the right context.

Lab Arterial Blood Gas Order Change

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  • Lab Arterial Blood Gas Order Change 
As of June 25, 2024, the lab arterial blood gas (ABG) order will have a couple changes, replacing the manual paper transcribed process used for home oxygen funding requirements.
  • An "Oxygen Level" order question will be added, with the options being "On Current Therapy", "On Room Air", and "On Specified Therapy (Oxygen/Ventilation)" (click on below camera icon to see screenshot). This will let the Respiratory Therapist know what oxygen level the patient should be on when the collection occurs. 
    • If more information is needed, the "Comments" field underneath the question can be used. 
    • If “On Specified Therapy” is selected, a cascading question will appear, to add what the specified therapy should be.
  • Two collection questions will be added, for the Respiratory Therapist to enter: "FiO2 level at time of collection (%)" and "Oxygen litre flow at time of collection (L/min)" (click on left camera icon to see screenshot). These values will then be reported as part of the ABG result (click on right camera icon to see screenshot).

Optimization Training - Classes in July

We previously posted that the CMIO Training team is now offering Optimization classes (previously called Thrive classes), where Connect Care prescribers can learn how to take full advantage of the features of the clinical information system, to help maximize their productivity and spend more time with patients. Classes are 60 minutes in length each and focus on completing common workflows more efficiently.

Below are the Optimization classes scheduled for July 2024. 

  • In Basket Management
    • July 9, 12:00–13:00
    • July 9, 15:00–16:00
    • July 11, 10:00–11:00
    • July 15, 12:00–13:00
    • July 16, 09:00–10:00
    • July 17, 08:30–09:30
    • July 17, 12:00–13:00
    • July 23, 08:30–09:30
    • July 23, 15:30–16:30
    • July 31, 11:00–12:00
  • Notes and Documentation SmartTools
    • July 3, 12:00–13:00 
    • July 9, 12:00–13:00
    • July 19, 12:00–13:00
    • July 24, 12:00–13:00
    • July 30, 12:00–13:00
    • Orders Optimization
      • July 9, 10:00–11:00
      • July 11, 09:00–10:00
      • July 16, 12:00–13:00
      • July 18, 08:00–09:00
      • July 23, 12:00–13:00
    • Anesthesia 3 - Macro Optimization
      • July 2, 16:00–17:00
      • July 14, 18:00–19:00
      • July 23, 16:00–17:00
      • July 30, 16:00–17:00

    Prescribers can register for these Optimization classes at the below link. Classes will be added regularly, so please continue to check back. Spots are limited to ensure trainers can address individual questions. Please ensure that you review your confirmation email from "Bookings CMIO Thrive" for the class link, and requirements for the session.

    Updates to ERAS Major Head and Neck Cancer Surgery with Free Flap Reconstruction Postprocedure Adult Order Set

    Enhancement updates provide short alerts to new, fixed or improved Connect Care functions...
    • Updates to ERAS Major Head and Neck Cancer Surgery with Free Flap Reconstruction Postprocedure Adult order set 
    [Edited June 18: Change date moved from June 18 to June 25]

    As of June 25, 2024, there will be extensive changes to the ERAS Major Head and Neck Cancer Surgery with Free Flap Reconstruction Postprocedure Adult order set in Connect Care. These changes are the result of provincial Head and Neck SMEs and the ERAS team working collaboratively over the past 18 months.

    The extensive changes will affect personalizations to the entire order set, including the "Diet and Nutrition", "Height and Weight", "Patient Care Assessments", "Patient Teaching", "Urinary Catheter", "Other Drains", "Tracheostomy Care", "Wound Management", "Notify", "IV Fluids", "VTE Prophylaxis", "Anticoagulants", "Analgesics and Antipyretics", "Antiemetics", and "Consults" sections.