Patient Lists Sortable by Location, Room, Bed

Enhancement updates provide short alerts to new, fixed or improved Connect Care functions...
  • Enhanced Patient Location Columns in Inpatient Lists
Patient Lists may be considered the gateway to inpatient care. Clinicians use them to gather and group the patients that they are responsible for, then find patients within one or more facilities. Patient location columns expose information and sorting by location.

Location-type columns typically support sorting by room and bed. The naming convention for a room usually makes the associated unit obvious. However, some facility naming conventions have not embedded facility or unit acronyms and so users have requested enhancements to better sort lists by facility and unit.

Enhanced patient location columns now combine facility, unit, room and bed information in a way that works for all Connect Care facilities. In addition, users can sort lists at all three levels (e.g., facility/unit >> room >> bed).

For more information about patient lists and AHS-approved list columns, see: