Duplicate Insulin Orders - New BPA

Enhancement updates provide short alerts to new, fixed or improved Connect Care functions...
  • Duplicate Insulin Orders - Warnings Removed, New BPA
As of July 30, 2024, the previous duplicate medication warnings that appeared when modifying or placing new/additional insulin orders will no longer be displayed. These duplicate medication warnings do not align with safe practice, and often fire when placing orders that are appropriate. A new Best Practice Advisory (BPA) will instead fire when placing new/additional insulin orders that are a true duplicate of an order already on the patient’s file (click on below camera icon to see screenshot).
  • The BPA is configured to use the type of insulin, type of order (i.e., bolus vs. correction) and frequency to meet the criteria to fire.
  • The prescriber can choose to "Keep" or "Remove" the new order, and "Discontinue" or "Keep" the active order currently on file.
  • The BPA cannot be suppressed, and will fire again if placing another true duplicate order.