Launch 8 Support Hot Topics - Day 4

Daily postings on this channel address needs raised in prescriber huddles, with links to support information. Content is published by 17:30; any additional hot topics after this time will be posted the following day. Consider looking back at the previous day's posting.

Interfacility Transfers (IFTs)
  • To transfer a patient to any other site (IFT), including Continuing Care (Long-Term Care, Supportive Living), remember to use the "Interfacility Transfer" navigator, located within the "Discharge" activity. Using the correct navigator will ensure that all steps required for this workflow are completed and orders are available/actionable at the receiving site.  
  • An IFT to a Continuing Care facility has some slight differences from other IFTs. For more information, see the "Interfacility Transfer from Connect Care to Continuing Care Site" section at the bottom of the IFT page in the Connect Care Manual.
    • For the workflow for an IFT from an ED to an Immediate Transition (IT) bed, see the tip sheet and demo.
  • Further information (including other IFT workflows) is available in the IFT section of the Connect Care Manual.
CORRECTION: External vs. Internal Orders - Lab and DI
  • For all Launch 8 sites, all lab and DI orders should be placed as external orders. Launch 8 sites Islay Assisted Living, Galahad Care Centre, Drumheller Health Centre, Serenity House (Drayton Valley), St. Mary’s Health Care Centre LTC (Trochu), and Killam Health Care Centre should place lab orders as inpatient orders. The lab will use a Rover workflow for collections. All other Launch 8 sites should place lab orders as external orders.
    • To order in-province external labs, use the "Lab to Collect" class. The "Third Party" class should only be used for out-of-province (in-province labs do not see those orders). 
  • All Launch 8 sites should place DI orders as external orders, except for general X-ray orders for Killam Health Care Centre, which should be entered as inpatient orders. (Previously launched sites should not change their workflows.) 
    • To order external DI procedures, see the FAQ for more information. 
Goals of Care Designation (GCD) - Green Sleeve
  • While Connect Care expands across sites, the goals of care directive "Green Sleeve" (printed) remains an important tool for documenting patients' wishes. 
  • Any Connect Care GCD order automatically generates a new printout. Normally, this is used to replace any Green Sleeve content. The printed artefact stays with the patient and is invaluable to providers who do not have access to Connect Care.
  • See the memo and the Goals of Care Management page of the Connect Care Manual for more information.
Computerized Prescriber Order Entry (CPOE) and Allowed Exceptions
  • Information on CPOE can be found in a Countdown Checklist post and the Clinical Ordering Norms section of the Connect Care Manual.
  • In ordering – as in all other clinical activities – patient care and safety come first. If there is an urgent or emergent circumstance affecting a patient’s care, verbal or telephone orders may be appropriate and can be allowed. See this summary of guidelines for telephone and verbal orders that comply with AHS policies and procedures, complete with practical examples and norms based on time of day. Examples include when the prescriber is off-site, does not have access to a Connect Care-enabled device, and/or it is after hours. Also, please note that most requests to a prescriber that are important enough to require a phone call meet criteria for a nurse to take a telephone order.
  • For additional information on team collaboration for verbal and telephone orders, see the work package for prescribers and nurses.