New Ordering Tools Available in Connect Care

Enhancement updates provide short alerts to new, fixed or improved Connect Care functions...
  • New Ordering Tools Available in Connect Care
Prior to Launch 9, the following new order sets were released:
  • Elder-Friendly Approach to the Seniors Environment Admission Adult Order Set
  • Elder-Friendly Approach to the Seniors Environment Postprocedure Adult Order Set
  • Frostbite Admission Adult Order Set
With the implementation of the Connect Care clinical information system across the province completed, our build teams can now focus on optimization, to further enhance patient safety and user experience. In the new year, we will be looking at developing more efficient and regular methods of communicating system updates that impact prescribers, such as new or changed ordering tools. 

In the interim, please consider bookmarking this blog channel (, where system updates are flagged in "Enhancement update" posts such as this. Alternatively, consider bookmarking, which collects the "On Other Channels" digest posts that flag new blog posts across all Connect Care clinician blog channels (typically weekly), as well as notices of each new issue of our monthly prescriber newsletter, Between the Charts (, which highlights key updates that have a broad impact.