Lab Update - Massive Hemorrhage Protocol Order Change

Enhancement updates provide short alerts to new, fixed or improved Connect Care functions...
  • Massive Hemorrhage Protocol Lab Blood Work
As of April 23, 2024, the Massive Hemorrhage Protocol order set has been updated. Prescribers can now use the "Activation Panel MHP - Blood" to place the necessary lab orders (Electrolytes, Lactate, INR, Fibrinogen, Platelet count, Hemoglobin), rather than placing 7 individual lab orders. 

  • When the Activation Panel MHP labels are printed, this will reflex order the next set of MHP labs due in 30 minutes. This reflex cycle will continue until the outstanding MHP orders are discontinued. 
  • Massive Hemorrhage Protocol Activation Panel and Massive Hemorrhage Protocol Intra-op Panel are now orderable from within the Intra-op Navigators.