New Mobility Feature - Monitor Activity

Enhancement updates provide short alerts to new, fixed or improved Connect Care functions...
  • Connect Care Mobility "Monitor" Activity
As of October 6, 2021, Connect Care mobility apps (Haiku for smartphones and Canto for iPads) gain a new activity (view) for use within opened patient charts.

The "Monitor" activity is well suited to inpatient, emergency and critical care contexts, where a clean, simple, aggregated view of key information supports a quick gestalt of clinical trending. There are sections for vitals, input/output, respiratory status, lines/drips, etc.

Look to the activity/view icons at the bottom of a mobility display within an opened patient chart. The Monitor activity can be set as a default view (first to be shown upon opening a chart) at the user's discretion (use the Haiku or Canto "Initial Patient Activity" configuration in device settings).