Medication Ordering Supports for Supportive Care Facilities with External Pharmacies

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  • Medication Orders in Facilities with External Pharmacies
Where a supported living facility (e.g., long-term care, LTC) uses Connect Care as its record of care but an external (community) pharmacy for the provisioning of patient medications, integrated medication management cannot be taken for granted. Accordingly, prescribers must order and discontinue medications as "external orders" that will be fulfilled outside the facility. New medication orders take the form of a prescription, and any medication discontinuations need to be explicitly communicated to the pharmacy. 

An "External Orders - LTC" chart activity supports prescribers when working in facilities with externally contracted pharmacy services. This gathers needed ordering tools for generating and faxing external prescriptions. It also provides reports summarizing all the medications a patient should be taking and communication tools to share information with the relevant pharmacy. Inpatient charts for such facilities now have a "header," appearing when the chart is opened, reminding about and linking to the new medication order navigator.