Problem: Some prescribers do not find the PLY (Play or Playground) environment when they expect it. This can limit one's ability to do self-study exercises after basic training or to practice some of the skills shown in MyLearningLink eLearning modules.
Cause: Prescribers have been assigned PLY access to time with completion of their scheduled basic training session. However, there have been last-minute changes in schedules and there have been some delays in assignments. Not everyone has PLY when they need it.
Solution: The CMIO portfolio is working with Zone Medical Affairs to get every prescriber registered for training activated for PLY. This will soon be active irrespective of the scheduled date of basic training. Access to full "production" (PRD) Connect Care is provided when prescribers appear for their personalization workshops pre-launch.
If you do not have access, but think you should, please contact For more information, see the Connect Care Manual.