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- Co-Sign and Incomplete Notes In Basket Folders
Summative notes authored by trainees require a co-signature from the appropriate prescriber. This contrasts with progress notes, which do not require a co-signature. Often trainees will be asked to, or be in the habit of, having their progress notes cosigned. To date, a corresponding In Basket folder with co-sign messages has not been visible, making it difficult for prescribers to complete the co-sign action. Rather, a deficiency notification was triggered, and the co-sign deficiency would be visible in the "Chart Completion" folder.
As of October 17, 2023, "Co-Sign Notes" and "Incomplete Notes" In Basket folders will become visible to those prescribers that Supervised Trainees have selected as Co-Signers, when a note needs to be co-signed.
- The Co-Sign Notes and Incomplete Notes folders will only display in the co-signing prescriber's In Basket if there are messages in them.
- Each notification in the Co-Sign Notes and Incomplete Notes folders will include information about the patient and document type, and action buttons are provided to allow users to complete the task of co-signing/completing the note, similar to notifications in the Chart Completion folder.
- Prescribers will continue to see deficiencies in the Chart Completion folder; in addition, a notification will be visible in the Co-Sign Notes or Incomplete Notes folder. When the deficiency is managed via chart completion, the corresponding message will be removed from the Co-Sign Notes or Incomplete Notes folder.
- Since outpatient encounters are closed when the scheduled prescriber signs the visit, outpatient/ambulatory (progress) notes should not be identified as requiring a co-signature. Outstanding co-sign messages for ambulatory notes will be removed prior to this change; incomplete notes will remain in the "Incomplete Notes" Folder.
For more information on how to manage notifications in the Co-Sign Notes and Incomplete Notes folders: