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- WCB Form Changes
As of September 19, 2023, a few updates will be made to the WCB form:
- In the first section of the form, the "Load previous WCB Connect Care form" functionality has changed:
- If the "Yes" button is selected, only the below elements will be loaded from the previous WCB form:
- The "No" button has been removed, and there is now a "Clear WCB Form" button. This button can be selected to clear all the information entered in the form (instead of exiting the form to start over).
- In the "Treatment Plan Details" section, after the user makes a selection in the "Category" field (i.e., Consultation/Referral or Investigation), a selection in the "Type" field will now be mandatory. The type options will appear in a dropdown list, and are dependent on what category was selected.