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- Lumens Update - Impacts Personalized Endoscopy Preprocedure Order Set
Effective June 23, 2023, the order questions within the Endoscopy/Bronchoscopy procedure order will change. This will affect personalized versions of the Endoscopy Preprocedure Order Set:
- Order questions will have a new look and feel to allow for more accurate ACATs-E/ACATS documentation within the order. This will allow better tracking of wait times for endoscopy and bronchoscopy procedures.
- All personalized Order Sets for Endoscopy and Bronchoscopy procedures will be affected and need to be updated with the new procedure orders.
- Dr. Alan Sobey has recreated new personalized versions of the Order Sets for each site, which physicians can use or copy.
- After physicians have created/copied the updated version, the MOAs/SOAs will need to unfavourite the old versions of the Order Sets and then favourite the new versions.
Drop-in support sessions via Zoom will be held every weekday this week to review these changes and demonstrate how to find Dr. Sobey's personalized order sets, for physicians and MOAs/SOAs.
- Session times:
- Monday to Friday (July 3–7), 12:00–13:00
- Zoom information:
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82005069428?pwd=OTVuN2VYczhLbUdsWk0xVnZyZ3VRdz09
- Meeting ID: 820 0506 9428
- Passcode: 137487
For more information on the changes, see the FAQ and slide deck: